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Single Men and Gay Couples

The work-up focuses on the male and consists mostly of a semen analysis and infectious disease testing.

Men need an egg donor to provide eggs, and a gestational carrier or surrogate to carry the embryos and give birth to the baby.

Egg donor – This is usually an anonymous young woman who tests negative for infectious diseases, has a normal egg reserve, and has a benign medical history. You often have access to childhood and/or adult photos, as well as aspects of her race, physical characteristics and personality. The eggs are harvested at the time of the treatment and fertilized right away most of the time. After undergoing a rigorous evaluation, the donor undergoes ovarian stimulation by giving herself hormonal injections to recruit several eggs in a single cycle. The donor may also be known to you, however there cannot be consanguinity (you cannot fertilize eggs with sperm amongst relatives).

For more information on Egg Donation:

ASRM Fact Booklet

Click here to view ASRM Fact Booklet

ASRM Resources

Click here to view ASRM Resources

Surrogate or Gestational Carrier – This is often a person who you meet and get to know. She carries embryos made with your own sperm, and with eggs from an anonymous donor, thus she is not genetically related to the baby. Texas is a great state for surrogacy and we see patients from all over the country. A legal gestational agreement is an important part of the process.

For more information on Surrogacy:Click here to view

ASRM Fact Booklet Click here to view ASRM Fact Booklet

ASRM Resources Click here to view ASRM Resources

The process of Donor egg and Surrogacy – Because in this situation we need to do IVF, the amount of sperm needed is small and thus even if male factor is found, it is usually solved by the IVF process. In a gay couple, embryos can be made from sperm of one or both partners. Once the egg donor is identified and has gone through the appropriate evaluation, we can start the process. We can simultaneously prepare the gestational carrier to perform a fresh transfer of embryos, or we can first create the embryos, freeze and store them, and then at a later time we can transfer them into the carrier. We can transfer embryos from a single man, or both partners! Obviously the process may seem overwhelming to you at the beginning, but at Repromed Fertility Center we facilitate all aspects of the treatment to make it as comfortable as possible to you. We will provide you with including information on egg donor agencies, surrogate agencies, family law, psychologist, and obstetricians.

For more information on IVF from ASRM:

Click here to view For more information on IVF from ASRM

Please contact us for more information about the process and to schedule a consultation.

Donor Egg Agencies

These are some of the agencies that we have worked with, you may choose a donor from these or any other Agency

Surrogacy Agencies:

These are some of the agencies that we have worked with, you may choose a gestational carrier from these or any other Agency

3 Sisters


Surrogate Solutions


Simple Surrogacy


Lotus Blossom Consulting


Donor Concierge

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